Yesterday I received a very angry comment on this blog that you can read
HERE. I guess that guy doesn't really like robots. Which is a phenomenon we have touched upon here in the past, but perhaps we should address in full today...
Some people hate robots...

And some robots hate people...

And if I am being absolutely honest with myself, I would probably have to side with the latter.
Because seriously, did you see the comment that guy left???
Well, obviously Ryan C is a robot. Why else would his last name be only a letter? I'm sure it's an improvement upon Ryan A and Ryan B, but hopefully Ryan D will fix all the bug this latest version has.
I'll bet he is cahoots with that Bono-bot.
Ryan C. sure is one angry dude! I'm guessing he was molested by prophylactic robot.
yeah wow, total h8r.
hey but a nice aikido move, Matsby, channeling his rage for a robot renaissance.
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